About me


I graduated in Law from the University of Murcia in 2013 and, subsequently, between 2013 and 2014 I completed a master’s degree in Shipping Business at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Since 2014, when I finished my training, I have worked exclusively as head of the legal department of the Transportes El Mosca Group in Molina de Segura.


Being one of the largest transport companies in the country, my work has given me first-hand knowledge of the problems faced by the transport sector, as well as the problems that we, as a company, can face. It has also allowed me to be in continuous learning and training, taking various courses in the field of transport insurance and freight claims.

In addition to the above, it should be added that since 2016, when the company's Criminal Compliance Code was drawn up and approved, I was in charge, as compliance officer, of its various updates, compliances, modifications, and adaptations necessary to make it useful and practical.

It was not until relatively recently that I decided to start a new phase as a freelance lawyer, in order to continue growing as a professional and to make all my knowledge and experience available to anyone who may need it.

C/Viena, Nº2, Edificio Sol, Entresuelo. Urb. La Molineta. CP. 30500 de Molina de Segura, Murcia.
+34 618 95 12 21

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